sportswoman|sportswomen in English


[spɔrts‚wʊmən /spɔːts-]

female athlete

Use "sportswoman|sportswomen" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sportswoman|sportswomen" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sportswoman|sportswomen", or refer to the context using the word "sportswoman|sportswomen" in the English Dictionary.

1. She was designated sportswoman of the year.

2. He Wenna a trampoline athlete, is my favorite sportswoman.

3. "Chong Wei, Pandelela crowned 2012 National Sportsman, Sportswoman".

4. Sauvage is often regarded as the most renowned disabled sportswoman in Australia.

5. A naturally gifted sportswoman, she became a proficient sculler, horsewoman, and mountaineer, and even mastered billiards.

6. We have been reminded that sportsmen and sportswomen are not commodities, that they are not goods and chattels.

7. Young sportswoman , in the amenorrhoea that appears in sports match or nervous training course, call " motility amenorrhoea " .

8. Basically, sportswomen & transgender male(FTM) use this chest Binder for hiding their breasts from the public & feeling comfortable with it

9. These victories awarded her the privilege of being registered on the high level sportswoman list by the French ministry and granting her a position into this prestigious French Aerobatic team.